Hill Engineering Blog

ERS-Toolbox® brochure

Hill Engineering’s ERS-Toolbox® software predicts the residual stress and distortion caused by surface treatment processes such as shot peening, laser shock peening (LSP), and cold hole expansion. This elegant computational design tool helps engineers and analysts design, analyze, and optimize the use of these processes, maximizing the performance of critical structural details.

Using ERS-Toolbox®, an organization can evaluate the impact of candidate surface treatments in minutes and optimize a design in days. ERS-Toolbox® outputs the residual stress state for subsequent fatigue analysis, closing a key gap in an organization’s engineering workflow and enables them to take credit for the improved performance of their parts.

ERS-Toolbox® is, truly, a one-of-a-kind software with many unique features and capabilities.

An informational brochure is available to download here.


Additional information can be found on our ERS-Toolbox® page.

If you have any questions concerning ERS-Toolbox® or Hill Engineering’s capabilities in residual stress measurement and fatigue analysis and design and how it can help your business, please contact us.