Ring Core Method

Reliable technique for intermediate measurement depths

Ring Core is used to measure residual stress over depths spanning the near-surface to bulk regions. The method can be applied to quantify the average residual stress over the depth of a drilled core (typically 3.0 to 5.0 mm depth). Ring Core is portable, and can be applied under a variety of circumstances, including in the field. Hill Engineering uses Ring Core measurements to support process development and quality control. Ring Core measurements are performed in our laboratory or at your site, to your specifications.

Ring core is useful for

  • Residual stress measurement over intermediate depths (to depth of 5.0 mm)
  • Applications requiring in-field measurements with portable equipment
  • Measuring multiple stress components (in-plane principal stresses)
  • Parts with large or complex geometry
  • Applications requiring rapid turn time

External materials

Download Ring Core Technical Brief

Photograph of a Ring Core residual stress measurement on an aluminum alloy 7085-T7452 die forging.

Measured residual stress in an aluminum alloy 7085-T7452 die forging using the Ring Core Method.

Measured residual stress in an ultrasonic impact treated test specimen using the Ring Core Method.