For materials engineers, designers and managers seeking residual stress measurements, Hill Engineering is a trusted source for a broad range of best in class measurement capabilities.
Focusing on your engineering challenge, Hill Engineering works with you on technique selection, to determine the best residual stress measurement technique to address your needs, and we tell you exactly what to expect before we start the job.
We are driven to uncover the true state of residual stress, rather than to sell you data from one particular technique, and we provide results from all techniques with the highest quality. Our customers receive actionable data in a useable format that enable critical decisions with high confidence.
Our laboratory maintains an active ISO17025 accreditation. Please contact us to let us know how we can support your residual stress measurement needs. Please visit the links above for additional information related to various residual stress measurement techniques.
Results from a contour method residual stress measurement on a welded titanium specimen superimposed on a photograph of the specimen.
Photograph of a slitting method residual stress measurement on a Ti-6Al-4V test specimen.
Photograph of a set of x-ray diffraction with layer removal measurements on a shot peened titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V test specimen.
A hole drilling measurement on a shot-peened Ti-6Al-4V test specimen
Photograph of a ring core residual stress measurement on an aluminum alloy 7085-T7452 die forging.
Photograph of a neutron diffraction residual measurement on an aluminum alloy T-section at the High-Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Comparison of slitting, contour, and x-ray diffraction residual stress measurements in laser shock peened titanium.
Line plot comparing contour method and neutron diffraction measurements of residual stress versus position from the center of a linear friction weld in Ti-6Al-4V.