Hill Engineering is delivering a keynote address titled Overview of Residual Stress Measurement in Industry Applications at the upcoming 2018 Thermal Processing in Motion Conference in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The mission of this conference is to bring together international experts from around the globe to present the latest innovations and research in thermal processing including: additive manufacturing; phase transformations; microstructure/property relationships; quenching and quenchants; thermomechanical thermal processing; and surface hardening. Hill Engineering’s presentation will include a summary of recent work related to residual stress measurement in support of production quality control.
The second day of the conference will include a Residual Stress Workshop. The goal of the workshop is to review the current state-of-the-art in residual stress measurement, prediction, control and incorporation into product design. The workshop will collect information on current gaps relative to designing products and establishing product definitions that include bulk residual stress as a component attribute. concepts for possible industry standards will be proposed to support enhanced product capabilities.
If you are planning to attend the conference please stop by to discuss Hill Engineering’s capabilities in residual stress measurement. Please contact us for more information.
Residual stress field in a quenched forging (top) and a cold-compressed forging (bottom) – model forecast (left) and measurement data (right) with tension in red and compression in blue