Hill Engineering Blog

HE Hobby Spotlight: Caleb

Caleb has taken up cycling during the pandemic.

What do IT bands and bandwagons have in common?

Not much, unless you’re HE team member Caleb. For him, these were both catalysts in kickstarting his newfound hobbies of 2020.

Caleb is very frank in speaking about what inspired him to create his own sourdough starter (the second HE team member to do so, if you’ve been keeping up on our latest blogs).

“Who doesn’t love bread?” he says. “Honestly, I was bandwagon-ing. Yeast was sold out for months and everyone was making sourdough and talking about in online. Then I learned about making a starter, and that you can do it without yeast.”

And create yeast-less sourdough he did—a mighty tasty effort if the photos below are any indication. For Caleb, the recipe for success was in starting from scratch, as he had no prior experience with baking bread or using yeast. Yet, he kneaded little more than his own curiosity in order to rise to the occasion. Already, he’s intent on experimenting with other ingredients and more complicated recipes.

But why stop at bread baking?

A known marathon runner in the HE community, Caleb was crushed when he suffered a nasty chest cold and an IT band injury at the end of last year. The chain of setbacks interfered with his training regimen when he was in the midst of gearing up for future running races. Caleb had previously considered taking up biking, but it wasn’t until these two incidents hit that he revisited that possibility.

Unfortunately, once the pandemic hit, bikes were sold out everywhere. Discouraged by the lack of availability, Caleb put his cycling dreams on hold until just last month, when he decided once more to give them a spin.

“My primary interesting in cycling is cross training for running,” he says. “The leisure side of it is a bonus.”

Seems like Caleb has a handle on things during the pandemic! These are great ways to relieve stress after working hard on residual stress. Awesome, Caleb! Way to make it happen!