Hill Engineering recently installed a Nikon ModelMaker H120 3D scanner, which is proving to be very useful in our laboratory. In addition to scanning services we now offer to outside parties, we’ve also implemented this technology into our residual stress measurement processes. This new capability allows us to produce faster, more accurate results than ever before.
For those who don’t know, 3D scanners are powerful tools with many applications ranging from dimensional inspection to reverse engineering. Typically, 3D scanners are used to create a 3D representation of the geometry of a complex part. Initially the part geometry may be represented by thousands or millions of individual points, which can then be used to reconstruct a solid model of the part.
Out most recent case study highlights some of the finer details of our new instrument, as well as a few demonstrations of its capabilities. If you’re more of a visual person, we’ve also posted a YouTube video where we review the same information.
Contact us for a quote today to get your scan started.

The Nikon ModelMaker H120