2016 was an exciting year at Hill Engineering. We accomplished so much and we wanted to take a moment to recognize some of the highlights.
Early in the year, we were in the middle of Hill Engineering’s largest ever facilities planning/construction project. We had just selected our new office location and needed to plan and improve the space prior to moving in. Now that we have settled in, it is clear that this was a very positive step for our organization.
Along with the facilities upgrade, we also updated our branding and website. Based on the feedback that we have received from our customers, employees, and friends, everyone really likes the new look and feels like they can better understand and connect with Hill Engineering.
Staying on the forefront of advanced technology is critical to our success as an organization and we made a lot of significant technological advancements this year in key technology areas like residual stress measurement and fatigue analysis.
We’ve taken on a lot of new and challenging projects in 2016. We have considerably increased our capacity and are working with a number of new clients. Just recently we achieved ISO 17025 certification of our Quality System.
Ultimately the people are what make Hill Engineering unique. We added five new people to our growing team in 2016 including: Justin, Bob, Martin, Frank, and Lesia.
Thank you 2016 (Hill Engineering’s 12th year). We are all excited for what 2017 has to offer.

Hill Engineering celebrates the ribbon cutting at our new facility!