The Lincoln Award is named in honor of Dr. John W. (Jack) Lincoln, the U.S. Air Force’s first Technical Advisor for Aircraft Structural Integrity. An internationally recognized expert in structural integrity, fatigue analysis, and aviation safety, Dr. Lincoln is credited with developing the Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP) that is now institutionalized throughout the Air Force and recognized worldwide as the foundation for aircraft structural safety.
There is an excellent summary of Dr. Lincoln’s career on the Aircraft Structural Integrity Program Conference website. Beginning as a pilot, then as an engineer in the aviation industry, and culminating with a distinguished career in the USAF, Dr. Lincoln was a true leader and innovator in the aerospace community.
Established in 1996, the Lincoln Award is given out annually at the USAF ASIP conference to recognize a distinguished career expert who has made significant contributions toward advancements in aircraft structural integrity and safety. Recipients have dedicated their careers to aircraft structural integrity through contributions to research and development, engineering, or applications. Many recipients are technical experts on topics related to fracture and fatigue.
The 2014 Lincoln Award was presented to Mr. Larry P. Perkins, Chief Engineer (retired), Systems Support Division, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory on December 2, 2014, at the annual Aircraft Structural Integrity Program Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Mr. Perkins’ award (pictured below) is currently on display in the Materials and Manufacturing Directorate at AFRL. Thank you, Mr. Perkins, for all that you have done to advance the ASIP community and thank you for sharing your award with us.

Photograph of the Lincoln Award presented to Mr. Larry P. Perkins of the Air Force Research Laboratory