Hill Engineering is proud to deliver a presentation as part of the David Smith Memorial Symposium at the upcoming ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. The presentation delivered at PVP2016 will include a summary of recent work on residual stress measurement for an excavate and weld repair mockup that was performed in collaboration with EPRI. This novel work will help the industry address issues related to residual stress in welding. The abstract text is presented below.
This presentation describes a sequence of residual stress measurements made to determine a two-dimensional map of biaxial welding residual stress (weld direction and transverse to the weld direction) in a mockup with a partial arc excavation and weld repair (EWR). The mockup joins two dissimilar metal plates (SA-508 low alloy steel and Type 316L stainless steel) with a nickel alloy weld metal (Alloy 82/182). A partial groove is then excavated and filled in with SCC resistant Alloy 52M weld metal. The mockup was fabricated to investigate the effectiveness of the EWR mitigation methodology being investigated through the development of ASME Code Case N-847 to address stress corrosion cracking problems in reactor coolant system butt welds. The biaxial stress map is determined using a newly developed technique called primary slice removal mapping, which uses both contour method and slitting measurements. In this case, the technique requires measuring the longitudinal stress along a plane and the long transverse stress remaining in a slice removed adjacent to that plane. The measured residual stresses follow expected trends and compare favorably to the results of computational weld residual stress analysis.
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