Who says engineers don’t know how to have fun?
Axes & Alloys is a band comprised of six of Hill Engineering’s employees. Formed out of a shared love for all things rock n’ roll (or maybe pop, country, and some rock), the Axes got our start around three years ago, with original members Teresa (lead vocals), Adrian (guitar), and Brett (guitar). Their casual rehearsal format eventually welcomed Camille as the keyboardist, Robby as a second singer and keyboardist, and Justin as drummer.
Though we’ve always played for the love of music and having a good time, Axes & Alloys has kicked it up a notch this year. We’ve started making recordings of some of our best tunes, incorporating original music into our repertoire, and playing live shows in the area.
Our latest venture takes us to Fox & Goose in Sacramento, CA, where we’ll be performing in the evening on Saturday, October 8th. We welcome any and all folks to come jam to some good music and have a general good time!
Feel free to check us out on Facebook.